Black Mist*

They’re filming Black Mist: apparently it’s a Poirot novel although I’ve never heard of it, which is strange and unsettling as I’m sure I know all of them.  There’s a large cast.  The plot revolves around a gang of girls in their early twenties, which is unusual.  One of these girls is involved with a young policeman.  There’s an extra layer of uncertainty: now David Suchet has stepped down as the great detective – who is even playing Hercule Poirot.  Looking around the set, which is centred on an open-air swimming pool, I can’t see a portly middle-aged chap.  Can’t see Poirot anywhere.

Some action happens.  A plot is discovered: the group of girls have kidnapped another girl and are holding her hostage in an old freezer.  There are a couple of children who seem-to-know-too-much about everything.  It’s all very strange.

Then I’m at my old riding stables, loaning a pony.  They give me Jasper, who is a very small Shetland, and I’m too big and heavy for him but no-one seems to notice.  I’m worried that I’m going to hurt him.

Back at home, I’m waiting for Seb so we can watch A Clockwork Orange.  He says he’s never seen it.  MadFatRunner calls to tell me that Seb is on some field trip where the researchers are riding those Segway scooter things that you stand on.  He called her to ask her to tell me that he can’t meet me as his Segway has become stuck in a marsh.

Waking up, I’m thankful that it was all a dream.  There is no Black Mist Poirot novel by Agatha Christie, which is a relief.  It sounds rubbish.  Seb is not on a Segway Safari in a marsh.

There seems nothing else for it but a trip to the gym, to shake the lingering black mist caused by a night of bad dreams.  So am writing this on the bike.

Photo attached of other new gym outfit: this is my favourite one.

Happy Friday everyone!

*Apparently this is a Hercule Poirot novel by Agatha Christie.

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