Hot And Sweaty Rex*

Have been looking at a great blog here:

And thinking about how to make own one more user friendly.

1.  Anyone know how to tag own posts in a post, so if one writes say: “am in the restaurant where I went with the Danish banker” it will link to that post?

2.  Would like, if possible, to separate the blog into sections eg ‘hospital’ ‘lists’ ‘dating’ ‘exercise’ ‘family’.  How does one do this?

3.  Brother suggests online blogging tutorial.  Are there such things and if so, where?

4.  Can one make a ‘Most Popular Posts’ page?

Any help appreciated.  Find the technical side of blogging a bit difficult.  Haven’t grown up with this.  Maybe Ellen Nguyen or Roxy or one of you younger people will take pity on me?

Am on the bike at the gym, staring at the blue sky.  Going to the Zoo after this.

My darling cousin sent the Fifty Shades Of Grey nail varnishes in the photo.  They’re lovely.  The pewter one is called ‘Dark Side Of The Mood’, which made me chuckle.  MadFatRunner assures me that grey nail varnish is A Thing that all the teenagers are wearing, so am just about to be On Trend, which is exciting.

Didn’t get much sleep.  Woke up sweating in the night and then for good at 5.48am, which is a mere six hours of sleep, if that.  The combination of Spring, Not-Being-Depressed and menopausal symptoms is not helping my sleeping.  Even with the fan on all night am so hot.

Possibly am a bit ill: sore throat and snuffles.  Brother has it too.  We probably picked it up on the plane.  So if the blog entries stop, we’ve succumbed to this illness.

Happy Thursday everyone!

*2004.  By Eric Garcia.  A “dinosaur Mafia mystery” in which “dinosaur PA Vincent Rubio is manipulated into working for one of the main families of dinosaur organised crime”.

You learn a new genre every day…

9 thoughts on “Hot And Sweaty Rex*

  1. I hope the below helps!
    1) If you highlight the text and click the link that looks like a paperclip (sort of…!) it will give you the option to link to a website or to a previous blog post. I hope that helps.

    2) You can create categories and then each time you create a post you choose which category it goes into. To get them to show as headings I believe you need to move them to your menu and then they should show under your ‘home’ and ‘about me’ tags.

    3) WordPress has a pretty good help site for these things, but not tutorials as such.

    4) There is a widget for this, but I am not sure what decides what ends up as ‘most popular’ whether you choose or whether the widget decides based on comments etc!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Agree with all above. I’m still learning but give me a shout if you need help. Also, are you trying to do these things on your phone? If so, it is VERY fiddly (I found, anyway) so might be better on laptop.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, I also agree with the above answers.

    Love the nail polish colors! I am wearing my first gel manicure and am so in love with it that I am considering buying my own supplies/LED lamp to do my own. 5 days and I have absolutely no chips!


  4. Oh didn’t know I was mentioned here, so much love ahha!! ❤
    I think I could help you with this!
    1. Normally I would just manually link to a post? There is a option to link when you write post, like you highlight a text/word/sentence, a box will show up and you can paste the link there.

    2. In Wp admin, go to posts, go to categories, then you can create different categories (or in your words sections :D) then when you post a new post, you can just choose which category you want it to be on!

    3. You can try this site: I did have a look before, useful and pretty 😀

    4. There is a widget that shows most popular post of the day and I have one on my site but its only based on daily counts! But surely you can create a page then post the links you want in it? That's all I know haha

    Take good care of your health and I hope you can sleep well soon! I'm this age but I have serious problem with sleeping as well, I normally cant sleep until 4am then I have to wake up like 9 😦


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