The Anniversary Man*

“I got you a little something, for our anniversary and Valentine’s Day,” I say to Seb when he calls yesterday.

“When’s Valentine’s Day?” Seb says.

“February 14th,” I say.  Surely he ought to know this, but then again maybe it’s a good sign that he doesn’t: it means he hasn’t been wining and dining a different girl every year on that day or whatever.  “Our anniversary is on February 20th,” I say.

“Excellent,” Seb says.

February 20th last year is the morning when we had the chat when Seb told me that he didn’t want me to date other people if we were together.  Can’t expect him to remember this, but it’s all documented in the blog.  So I remember and that’s the date of our anniversary.

Can’t believe it’s been almost a whole year!  Have only achieved one other relationship that made it to a year: with my boyfriend from my university days.  That one made it to twenty months. 

Back then, in 2001, I just assumed that I’d get another boyfriend after a decent interval, and then be married by about twenty five.  Little did I know what the following fifteen years would throw at me…

1.  Pain in arm: from node clearance I presume, but surely it ought to be getting better by now.
2.  Sore throat: think am a bit ill – maybe because of antibiotics.

3.  Headache.

4.  Sore arms and legs.  Probably have a temperature.

5.  Pains in chest around the various scars.

Really ought to be in bed, but now have to write two blogs everyday, as well as creating and photographing a new gin cocktail, need to spend about three hours per day writing.  

Here’s today’s gin and bitter lemon anyway:


Attached photo is a fluffy monster pretending to be asleep to get away from me.

Am going to lie down.  Head is spinning.  Wonder if will even survive the night…

Happy Sunday everyone!
*2009.  By R.J. Ellory.  Serial killer thriller.

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