The Woman In White*

“You could put that Madeira in one of your cocktails,” Mum says. “Where is it?” I say, pouring gin, Cointreau and lemon juice into the measuring jug.  Am making a White Lady. “In the door of the fridge,” Mum says. Opening the fridge, I take out the tall thin bottle, open it, sniff it.  Am […]

The Trowie Mound Murders*

“So, it won’t be as bad as last time,  will it, since the cancer wasn’t even in the skin on my left side?” I say.  Am at the hospital, talking to my radiologist about upcoming radiotherapy. He stares at me.  “On the contrary, we didn’t zap all the cancer in your skin on your right […]

High Fidelity*

“Do you know what this is, my lovely?” Seb says, gesturing at the television. “Ummmm,” I say.  There’s Vanessa Redgrave and Emma Thompson clad in Edwardian gear: long skirts, velvet hats, high-necked blouses.  It’s a period film but am not sure what. “It’s Howards End,” Seb says, sounding cheerful.  “This is the film that made […]

Mystery Of The White Room*

“Hi there,” my surgeon says, opening the door of her consulting room.  She looks lovely: her sleek dark hair tumbling down her back. “Hello,” I say, throwing my arms around her, kissing her on the cheek.  “It’s lovely to see you.” “Hello,” Mum says, smiling. We follow her into the room and take our seats […]